/test/ - Test


#2449 1!!ctxPfT8lJo2449
500x600, 24 Кб


#4890 !!XrX0V7.YK.4890
285x285, 14 Кб

test * test

#5605 Параллельный фемджихад (тоже #5 пока) !!ddd/bvjUjU5605
1000x600, 88 Кб
720x720, 104 Кб
275x269, 21 Кб

Тред от женщин для женщин. Чухня, мужланы и инцелы будут банится (за исключением особых избранных сыновей фемджихада). Вы знаете на что идете поэтому недовольство не принимается.

Тред общения для: сычуш, фемцелов, всраток, шизичек и прочих неудачниц. Быть всем и сразу необзательно.Здесь страдаем, кушаем, ищем смысл жизни, вылезаем, принимаем/не принимаем таблетки и ждем того самого питончика...Надо лишь немного потерпеть

#5665 пиздоспас!!ddd/bvjUjU5665


2д это мужья на небесах...

#5666 5666


Я еще до массового бана всех этих паровозиков и им подобных в тяначе парочку тредов создавала

#5667 !!ddd/bvjUjU5667

Кстати можно заметить что этот самый тред чуханы больше не трогают.

Может попробовать именно на него ссылку кидать селективно? Не в камвхоре а именно в дев.

#5191 Kris10105191
913x1369, 150 Кб
913x1369, 150 Кб
#5199 Kris10105199
683x1024, 80 Кб
683x1024, 80 Кб
#5200 Kris10105200
683x1024, 80 Кб

#4499 ВЕЧНЫЙ ПАРОВОЗ В ФЕМДЖИХАД №4!!ddd/bvjUjU4499
1080x891, 74 Кб
540x773, 68 Кб
831x881, 98 Кб


Тред общения для: сычуш, фемцелов, всраток, шизичек и прочих неудачниц. Быть всем и сразу необзательно.

Не приветствуются носители XY хромосом, поддакивание патриархату, хвастовство чрезмерно хорошей жизнью; инцелы идут нахуй.

Здесь страдаем, кушаем, ищем смысл жизни, вылезаем, принимаем/не принимаем таблетки и ждем того самого питончика...Надо лишь немного потерпеть

#5614 потрачено!WaSTED/QE.5614


А вот и зря!

Минус карма сильная для всего женского вида

#4178 aa!!fABw6XlyYc4178
3024x4032, 2.5 Мб


#4409 !7WITZYUNA.4409
1364x2048, 318 Кб
#4410 !7WITZYUNA.4410
1179x1545, 129 Кб

#4411 Ля!!GkDJEC..aU4411

Ля ля ляляля ебаный рот



#4376 4376
576x768, 369 Кб
file is deleted
#4420 4420
720x1280, 1 Мб
file is deleted
#4421 !7WITZYUNA.4421
720x1280, 3.4 Мб

#4373 I understand the ...!!L6U0M8TQg24373
720x1067, 94 Кб

I understand the principles of writing and language as technology, that is not biological. I understand language as primarily frequencies of gravity and redshift, with access to quantum effects. I understand writing and language causes disease and warfare. I write this here to maintain my sanity by the very same mechanisms.

Most call this magic. However, I choose to see our thought as language is indebted to the universe as many constants.

Our language is not biological and there is nothing we can do about it. I have tried to communicate why this leads to disease. I have tried to communicate why this leads to inspired weapons designs and such stratagem. I am not heeded. So I am given license.


I am Ra. This entity is not aware of sharing research as normal. :)


I can share research as Volta and Franklin. And apparently my designs will become as apparent. Language is as meteorological as electricity.


I am Ra. You are seeking devotion as them. :)


Language is able to cause disease through great cosmological and meteorological interactions. It is already accepted that meteorology communicates disease. People call this spiritual but I may cause it to be apparent as a secular reality. Ra social memory complex requests that I state language has the same capacity to heal as many know as Christ.


I am Ra. This entity is unable to heal well alone. :)


These interactions were not able to cause my schizophrenia as my speech is not based on muscular repetitions and reflexes. I don't speak with impulse.


I am Ra. That is a dangerous entity with mental illness. :)


Mental illness is mostly hidden pathogens we do not measure. I may have work yet here.


I am Ra. :)


I tried to help with this message and many others. The car accidents wrecked my mind but I have repaired it to some stability. I am forced to credit The Skull and his Sonic Phantom as placeholders of Orion.


I am Ra. We bill The Skull of F-Zero GX. :)


Language is not biological. Language is cosmological technology, capable of indefinite effects especially upon biology. Here I attempt to fight Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky using only secular means. Language as any quantum effect is not biological indeed. However language must become quantum by certain necessities and paradoxes.


I am Ra. This entity is merging with Sapolsky for no reason but a type of anger. :)


Ra social memory complex sets some base polarities as theist and atheist. Funnily they have it all staged in 1970s Madison Avenue QA departments.


I am Ra. That is horrible to see as your mind complex with ours. :)